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 School: Earth Day Clean Energy Campaign Boulder, CO Open Special
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 School Admin: News Room
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By using the sun, wind, and other renewable sources to generate energy, we can end dependence on the fossil fuels that pollute air and water, harm human health, and contribute to global warming.

More than a half a billion people will take part in Earth Day 2000, and the Clean Energy campaign will use this groundswell of support to push for clean energy projects and action on global warming worldwide.
Solar roof
Photo: Union of Concerned Scientists.

Worldwide, Earth Day Network and its affiliates are focusing on the following seven areas. We invite organizations worldwide to set their own campaign goals relating to them.

The global reach of Earth Day Network will be used to publicize these goals and create national and international support for them. Already, more than 4,000 groups in 167 countries have joined the Earth Day 2000 campaign, and the numbers are growing every day.

Clean Energy
Invest in clean, renewable technologies that are culturally and economically viable.

Smart Energy
Adopt higher national standards and programs for energy efficiency to stop the waste of energy.

Safe Energy
Halt construction of all new nuclear power plants and decommission existing ones.

Smart Transportation
Establish innovative, efficient transportation systems that minimize air pollution and protect human health.

Clean Investments
Increase investments in clean energy projects by the World Bank and other publicly supported aid institutions. Rapidly phase out funding for fossil fuel projects.

Safe Land
Stop the exploration for and development of new oil, gas, and coal reserves where such projects would harm ecosystems and human communities.

Smart Climate Action
Secure national commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to levels at or below those agreed upon in the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.

Investigate the Quest below and prepare a report regarding one of the seven goals.

Q#Quest (#tasks)DateQuest Author
01 Earth Day Clean Energy Campaign (1) 2/22/2000News Room
 American Solar Energy Society

American Solar Energy Society Logo

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